New book available in April!
Out in the real world, far too complicated and not much sense. In these fast-paced chapters, all sorts of topics are jokingly considered—thanks to beer. And if they do make sense, even better. Thanks to beer! For escaping to favorite pubs and microbreweries anywhere in the world, this could be the best buddy you have, zany yet practical, thoughtful but bold. Plus, this book amazingly closes the gap between barstools and bookshelves, with or without each sip of savory cold brew. Though, if not drinking before reading these pages, you will soon want to!
A blissful beer drinker’s twisted guide to life.
Also by John Kruxhammer:
In this audacious novel, two young men experience gut-wrenching turmoil of disastrous relationships, and must somehow decide what to do. So, of course, they wind up in Las Vegas—to find out everything not supposed to do. Similar pursuit of fulfillment does not mean same opinions of women. As they embrace all this gambling, beer drinking, rock music, and humor, often involving chaotic pleasures and perils of the opposite sex, what could possibly go wrong?
Published by BIRD’S-EYE & BEYOND
Website updated on 8 March 2025